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Moscow Neighbourhoods at a Glance: Get to Know the REAL Russia

There are a number of wonderful places which are easy to reach from Moscow, such as Sergiev Posad, the home to the Trinity Monastery of St Sergius:

Картинки по запросу Trinity Monastery of St Sergius

Suzdal, a medieval capital and a spiritual centre:

Картинки по запросу Suzdal

Borodino, the site of turning-point battles in the Napoleonic War of 1812:

Картинки по запросу бородино историческая реконструкция

New Jerusalem Monastery, a unique historical and cultural complex:

Картинки по запросу новый иерусалим

Kolomna, the home of Russian pastila (traditional delicious сonfectionery):

Картинки по запросу коломна пастила

And many more!

Enjoy the idyllic destinations far from the crowds, traffic and smog. Book the excurison to Moscow neighboring towns 🙂